Your first bank account can be exciting and confusing at the same time. Check out this video and learn how to manage your money and accounts so you don't wind up in the red. You don't have to earn a ...
Ready to make a statement in your town and get involved? Check out this tutorial and learn how to run for mayor. If you can't beat city hall, why not join it?You Will Need • A review of your city ch ...
When someone you love asks for money it can be very hard to turn them down; especially since you are usually put on the spot. Check out this tutorial and discover ways that you can help your friend w ...
Do you love a good mystery? Were you a huge fan of "The X Files" or any other freaky movie or TV show? If you are daring and not afraid of the unexplained, Paranormal Investigator may be the job for ...
Big business is on the web these days and you don't have to build a shopping website or blog to get involved.In affiliate marketing, online merchants pay independent parties – called publishers, to pr ...
The economy is rough at the moment, and we all need our jobs more than ever. Check out this tutorial, and learn how to make yourself so valuable at your job that no one would ever want to fire you.Yo ...
In this economy any job is better than none at all, right? Of course, but if you know you are worth more than you're making, follow this tutorial for tips on how to ask your boss for a raise. You'll ...
Patent is the best way to keep what is rightfully yours. 1. You need an experienced patent attorney who knows the ins and outs to get you through the gatekeepers. 2. Gatekeepers are the patent exam ...
In this video Andrea Osterkorn demonstrates how to stage your home for sale. It is not a comfortable process to transform your home into a home for sale. The entry way should be inviting because first ...
The name of your business will leave an impression on people as this is probably the first information they will receive. Make sure to express yourself and give the impression you intend by choosing t ...